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Lambda MR


What problems to Spark and Map Reduce solve?

Was Spark the next generation of MapReduce? Do they solve the same problem? Is Spark quick and failure-prone, while MapReduce is slow and reliable?

To play devil’s advocate, I think MapReduce was the right abstraction for the wrong problem. There are several reasons why Spark is easier on developers than MapReduce, but at their core both attempted to solve the problem of data ETL at scale. Why Spark is different, and I think outcompeted MapReduce, is that Spark is better tailored for actually doing data transformations. The Spark model is faster, easier to write, and offers more features; MapReduce provides limited functionality, slower performance and agonizingly boilerplate code. Spark chose SQL as the core abstraction, and SQL is always going to win in a data abstraction fist-fight.

MapReduce was better for everything outside of data ETL - where joins, key aggregations, window operations, and the rest of SQL operations and optimizations do not apply. Reliably calling a set of chained functions with a limited set of reduction primitives is still a legitimate problem. Most people do not want to write thousands of lines of Java code everytime they want highly stable and reliable workflow function calls, however.

Google’s Apache Beam is worth mentioning here as an attempt to move away from Lambda architectures. By providing a library that lets you run processing pipelines on various streaming and batch pipeline backends with a single set of code, they tried to outdo Spark’s base syntax without forcing users to abandon Spark’s backend model. The library also supports more flexible Python code than Spark, moving closer to a map-reduce compute abstraction. Beam failed to gain tractions for two reasons, however. First, most people do not need their code to run on outside of Spark, because Spark supports streaming and batch processing. Beam helps those already relient on legacy compute backends, or “Runners” in Beam terminology. Second, the programming interface is restricted to the same class of data processing steps as Spark and MapReduce. Those two points make Beam a direct competitor to Spark’s Dataframe interface. That was not Google’s original intention when releasing the library, but in practice is mostly true given the current product landscape and common use-cases in industry.

What does Spark and MapReduce lack?

This provides an opportunity for a product that uses map-reduce in a more general way to solve a different problem than the MapReduce, Spark and Apache Beam family of SQL processing tools. In-between Spark’s data efficiency and AWS Lambda’s execution flexibility is a cloud-native map-reduce product that might capture the consistency, reliability and backend portability of MapReduce without the structural limitations of trying to compete with big data ETL platforms. Functions in Docker containers can be written in arbitrary languages, chained in arbitrary DAGs, offer optional schema enforcement, support built-in monitoring and logging, and provide an open-source means for engineers to customize.

One use-case might be deploying ML models for online and offline processing. Data scientists write preprocessing and model evaluation in Python, but deploying that code to batch and real-time pipelines usually requires reformatting, glue code, and/or code restructuring to meet production use-cases. A multi-backend chaining wrapper might offer a more direct deployment of code to production than would otherwise be possible by (ex) individually writing JNI wrappers for Spark batch processing, and Terraform/Serverless deployment scripts for setting up real-time APIs.

Model evaluation example case

In my work at Factual, I worked on a project that involved running our Place Attachment model on trillions of locations in America cities. The purpose of this project was to create a map of the entire input/output space for the model domain. Unlike other machine learning problems, like computer vision, the entire input space for location modeling is two-dimensional - the surface of the earth. By running an entire city through the model, I can visualize exactly which areas of space the model is attributing to which stores.

To give some additional background, running the model over a space lets me quantify properties of the model using its output topology. I can count the numbers of (segments) in a city, the square meters of a segment, the average segment area by place category or store name, the overlap percentage between a segment and a building store outline, and (most importantly) compare the shapes of two segments for two different sets of model parameters.

In order to do all of the work visualizing and quantifying those values, I first had to run our model in Spark. A second special attribute of location modeling was that the category space was massive - 100’s of millions of potential classes for every input tuple. Obviously a location signal in e.g. Chicago should be mapped to places nearby, but the sheer volume of classes introduced a complicated logic for accessing potential candidates. Our solution downloaded gigabyte-sized shards of cities locally to disk in an LRU cache, which works fine for most use-cases, but stubbornly fails to interoperate with Spark or MapReduce.

Spark and MapReduce have a difficult time running the model code for diferent reasons, but the problems can be summarized into 1) partitioning and 2) memory management issues. Rows of data sharing the same LRU shard need to be ran on the same compute nodes, and Spark needs to not chain/pipeline data transformations while blind to gigabytes of shard data in the C++ memory space.

Separating preprocessing and model evaluation steps from the data postprocessing would have provided a more natural abstraction for the workloads. Postprocessing is Spark’s break and butter - e.g. aggregating, averaging and running custom UDFs on rows of input/output data, and joining the results with external datasets to supply supplementary metadata. The preprocessing steps do not fit an SQL abstraction, however, and it took months of fighting to run evaluation in an unnatural environment.

A lambda architecture that could chain a preprocessing step to an evluation function would have made my life easier. The same setup could have been used for streaming servers and API endpoints with the right backend abstraction, I think, saving the need to write custom code everytime new “model evaluation” use-cases arise.


Spark, MapReduce and Apache Beam all have different redeeming features, but ultimately target the same problem on the customer end. Data processing at scale will continue to favor in-memory SQL abstractions until someone comes up with a better schema-based database model.

What SQL and Spark do not solve is everything else function-chaining related. I think the map-reduce model’s reliability and simplicity have merits, and might lend nicely to capturing the function chaining/lambda architecture space if implemented with a general enough abstraction. Serving machine learning models is one key area I have personally experienced friction in Spark, and I think the nature of model preprocessing and evaluation is general enough beachhead for a Lambda MR library to add value to the work of data scientists and machine learning engineers. A clean-enough implementation might offer a shared model for online and offline processing, in the same way Apache Beam ships to multiple backends. And because preprocessing and model evaluation is such a large component of the machine learning lifecycle, I believe a simple architecture might provide opportunities to frictionlessly loop in AB testing, model monitoring, model performance, and other stages of the MLOps lifecycle.