Design doesn’t have to be new, but it has to be good. Research doesn’t have to be good, but it has to be new… The best design surpasses its predecessors by using new ideas, and the best research solves problems that are not only new, but worth solving. - Paul Graham
These are a few ideas that might not be possible to develop right now (or might not even be good ideas in practice), but originate from pain points in my work.
- Pandas subset that matches Spark syntax
- Minimalist workflow execution language
- Spark Tensorflow
- Database native spark/custom udfs lifecycles
Pandas subset that matches Spark syntax
I try to use dataframe APIs when possible. Column-level interfaces standardize common patterns into shorter lines of code, and reduce boilerplate by loosening schema restrictions (i.e. you can add and drop columns without changing/making new schemas). Standardization also provides performance benefits, all-in-all letting engineers write faster code faster.
Pandas and Spark 2 share the similar dataframe interfaces, but were designed by and for different engineers. Even academic labs are starting to experience scale limits that stretch the usability of Python for data science, however, which creates a data/compute gap that only horizontal scaling can fill. I think the upward trends in data volume and model complexity will make Spark and JVM fluency (or the next cluster compute paradigm) a necessity for data people.
In my opinion, Pyspark is a suboptimal solution for both use cases. Pyspark allows for generic Python code to be run on Hadoop clusters, but that feature has never been particularly useful in my work. Pyspark falls short of the production-level safety of Scala, lacks JVM interoperability and the development flexibility Java provides, and is equally as difficult to write and test as Scala Spark. If we are working with small amounts of data, Pandas is faster and easier. If we need production systems for big data, Scala Spark provides many features that Pyspark cannot.
The first thing I noticed when transitioning to Spark was
- Pandas and Spark are similar but often logically incompatible
- Spark testing is slow and boilerplate-dependent
I am interested in a unified interface that allows for dataframe transformation pipelines to use consistent logical components. And if possible, the ability to test those workflows in the dynamic language with syntax that extends to Spark, the more performant runtime.
Here are examples shared logical components:
df[["col", "col2"]]"col1", "col2")
df[df.col1 > df.col2]
df.filter(col("col1") > col("col2"))
New column:
df["col3"] = 1
df.withColumn("col3", lit(1))
df.join(df2.set_index("key"), on="key")
df.join(df2, Seq("key"), "inner")
val tmp = df.groupBy("col1").mean(col("col3").as("col3_mean"))
df.join(tmp, Seq("col1"), "inner")
df.rename({"col1": "c1", "col2": "c2"}, axis=1)
val oldCols = List("col1", "col2")
val newCols = List("c1", "c2"), oldCols.tail: _*).toDf(newCols: _*)
df["col3"] = df.apply(lambda x: x.col1 + x.col2, axis=1)
val custom_sum = udf((c1: Double, c2: Double) => c1 + c2)
df.withColumn("col3", custom_sum(col("col1"), col("col2"))
Examples of Python syntax without a Spark counterpart:
df3 = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1)
df2 = pd.melt(df1, id_vars=["cat1"], value_vars=["cat2", "cat3"])
sub_dfs = [(n, gr.values) for n, gr in df.groupBy("cat1")]
Generally, there is a Spark equivalent for every Pandas pipeline. But Python lets you take shortcuts that can be self-defeating when upgrading to SQL engine support. Overall, maintaining two logical patterns between similar pieces of code in Python and Scala is annoying.
Switching costs for Pandas to Spark use would also be lower for data scientists who have never used the JVM. Currently, you have to create a new mental model for how to organize data transforms in Spark, on top of all of the other complications of Scala, uberjars and Hadoop clusters. Developers could learn Spark syntax without having to deal with any of the download or interactivity barriers of Spark/Scala, and more quickly move into dealing with SQL plans and memory bottlenecks.
Running tests in Python based on Scala code would make debugging easier (ignoring whatever the implementation looks like for now). The compilation -> unit test cycle is slow beyond Scala’s type checking phase, even with Maven as the build tool. Python will not execute the same SQL logical plan, but tightening the 20min-1hr Spark testing feedback cycle to minutes would be similar to the experience of switching from Tensorflow to Pytorch; iterative correctness and intermediate-checking would be comparatively painless. Again, this speeds developers into the code efficiency and memory bottlenecking phase of pipeline management.
In summary, I would like a Python library that uses the Spark interface to mutate Pandas dataframes with as many transpilation features as possible. Research and production code can have a common set of operators for processing data. Testing that interface in the dynamic environment would support a smoother testing to production progression.